About Dr. Saleh Al-Tayar

- Saudi Attorney and Legal Adviser.
- Specialized in International Business Law.
- Chairman of the Center for Euro-Arab Studies – Paris.
- Deputy president of Arab French mediation, Conciliations and arbitration center /PARIS.
- Legion of Honor (Knighthood).
- Former Secretary General of the Arab-French Chamber of Commerce / Paris 2004-2021.
Member of numerous institutions and organizations:
- The High Committee for the Prince Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz International Water Award.
- Executive Bureau of the Arab Water Committee.
- Secretary General of the Franco-Arab Chamber of Commerce / Paris Active in the following areas.
- Member of the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).
- Member of the Global Council for Law, Arbitration and Human Rights.
Specialized studies
- International Private Law.
- International Trade Law.
- International Business and Bank Law.
- Execution of Foreign Judiciary and Arbitration Sentences.
- International Law Relating to Human Rights.
Active in the following areas
- Conciliation and arbitration in conflicts relating to international investment
- Studies and editing relating to international fiscal law
- Assistance in international negotiations relating to national and multinational trade, industry, and investment operations
- Legal support in negotiations relating to investment in the areas of energy and handover of technology
- Continued legal counseling in real estate management operations
- Intervention in 396 disputes relating to trade operations or multinational investment (as a legal representative, mediator and arbitrator)
- Liquidation of multinational banking or financial institutions
Author of a number of nonfiction books, including
- Saudi Arabia and the Challenges of the 21st Century.
- Reform in the Arab Countries and World Challenges (The Case of Saudi Arabia) .
- International Arbitration in Oil Concession Contracts.
- International Contracts in Hand Over Technology.
- Terrorism and International Law.
- The Role of Research Centers and their Influence on Decision Making .
- The Legal Nature of International Contracts in the Area of Construction, Development and Hand Over of Property (BOT).
- Saudi Arabia and the Struggle Against Terrorism (confrontation and repent).
Essays and studies
- Terrorism and International Agreements to Fight It: An Analytical Viewpoint
- Nuclear Energy and its Hazards on the Environment in the Arab World
- Some Aspects in International Arbitration with Respect to International Law
- An Analytical Study of the Agreement on the Double TaxationIncome Tax Agreement between Saudi Arabia and France – Arbitration in Saudi Arabia
- International Arbitration and Case Law (Fiqh) in IslamS ettlement of Trade Conflicts in Mergers and Acquisitions
- The World Trade Organization (WTO), Its Policy and Dispute Settlement Process
- Human Rights in Islam: Analysis and Comparison with International Law
- Legal Instruments for the Implementation of the Decisions of the Security Council of the UN
- Legal and academic contributions to geopolitical and geostrategic studies, as well as active participations in international congresses and forums, throughout the Arab World and Europe, on subjects relating particularly to the future of the Arab world, its position and role These include :
- Economic and Political Globalization
- The Big Challenges Facing the Arab World
- Human Rights
- The Challenges Facing the Arabian Gulf Countries
- Jerusalem: Occupation and the Holy City
- Dialogue among Civilizations
- International Terrorism
- Obstacles Hindering Handover of Technology in the Arab World
- Euro-Arab Dialogue and the Means to Develop It
- The Settlement of Trade Disputes Relating to Mergers and Acquisitions
- Involvement in audiovisual debates on various Arab, French, German, and British TV channels on political, economic, religious, and security related subjects of interest to the Arab and Moslem Worlds, in relation with Europe, aiming at encouraging dialogue among civilizations.
- Publication of numerous articles in newspapers and magazines in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and the Arabian Gulf Countries.